
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How to give paths of success to your generations?

Ubqari Magazine - September 2018

Abida Shaukat, Faisalabad

In our society the disease of rote learning is common. Few children will tell complete books by reading them fluently but if they would be stopped on any place and one word would be asked that what this is so he would not know it. Without knowing the meaning, to learn by heart is completely useless.

The procedure to make children read and learn is a very important stage for parents and teachers. Come! Let’s learn to make children read: Pronunciation recognition of letters: In speaking and listening words, to recognize the pronunciation of those words and to read them after changing is the first step of learning. For example, in step there is one sound of “k”, there is other form in “kaala” and it is completely different in kisaan. In our society also, the recognition of letters is made with sound and tone only to the children. Like this with the letter sound, there can be ease in the recognition. In old times, around us much focus used to be given on the letters pronunciations. Now also if again and again, the recognition of letters sound shall be done to children so they use to learn quickly. But commonly it has been seen that parents and teachers also try to make them read with route memory on base of hurriedly. Therefore, the recognition of letter sounds also could not be done properly and a child use to read complete sentences fluently. Although the recognition of letter sound and by spelling it again and again, a child will get to understand the procedure which he would be able to use again by him also. By spelling and joining letters there will be ease in reading. Parents and teachers will also be able to make children learn easily with help of this way. After recognizing the letters through sound and different forms of it, a child will try to read by himself. A child first learns to speak and then read: With this way, a child gets help in maintaining relation with speaking and reading letters. The importance of making learn to read in pronunciation is this that those words which children use in speaking and the words which are made learn to them in reading so they may understand them properly. Its way should be this that first a child shall be made learn to spell those few words which he uses daily then if he may look two words in any chapter, story or sentence so he may quickly identify it and may use them in proper way. For this way, a better form can be this that when a child would be made learn to read so sentence shall be relevant to his environment. In our society mostly it happens that the child’s lesson use to be much far from his own environment. Although how much lesson will be near to the reader so, the use of letters, their spellings and their proper sounds will provide that much ease for the reader. In our society as mostly the course books come from foreign country therefore, they present different environment from our environment. Instructions for fluency in reading: The most important point to make learn to read is this that a child may understand the writing and read it in proper way and fluency. With fluency and proper way only then can be read when the meanings would be understandable. The words which are used in lesson, first their meaning shall be told. Then if little by little part of lesson shall be made to read by each child and at home also he should be made read that same lesson because how many times a child will read lesson so that much fluency will be produced and lesson will also be understandable. The culture of making a lesson read in class by children is very old but today also this is very much effective way for understanding and getting fluency. Before making children read lesson if teacher may read it so the change of tone, proper way of using and fluency, all of it can be clear. By using words in proper way, a meaning can be changed. Apart from curriculum books, short stories should also be given to children for reading so that fluency may get produced. Importance of vocabulary words: There is importance of vocabulary words is present for learning to read but along with it there is equal importance of knowing their meaning also. It is necessary act to understand any of the sentence otherwise whole chapter will also pass above the head of reader. This thing also got proved that only spelling, pronunciation and recognition of letters is not only enough instead meaning of difficult words of every sentence and their origin and uses should be known because with different usage of one word, meanings get completely changed. How many meanings a reader will know of a word, he will get that much easiness in understanding and memorizing them. Along with it there is also the need to repeat them again and again. Whatever lesson a child may read and come from school, to make him read it at home also with meanings and by repeating again and again, there will be much benefit. In our society the disease of rote learning is common. Few children will tell complete books by reading them fluently but if they would be stopped on any place and one word would be asked that what this is so he would not know it. Without knowing the meaning, to learn by heart is completely useless. In begging classes this habit shall be developed that whatever shall be read, do know the meaning of it surely, the meaning of words only give help in understanding the sentence.    The skill to understand the script: To learn to read it is very important to first understand the meaning of sentence and the familiarity of the sentence with environment. Along with reading, observation also keeps much importance. It is important to understand any script that there shall be those words in it which a child uses in daily life also. The sentence should be in very easy language. By including much difficult words, there will be effect on the skill of understanding. He will get so much stuck in meaning of words that its consistency will not remain. About which thing, the lesson shall be taught, if it would be possible to show it also so the skill of understanding will get enhanced. Fluency gets produced by repeating. Understand the meaning of every new word surely so that the reading skill of child may get more enhanced and he may be able to read with fluency. The act to make a child read and learn a language needs much patience. Whether they are parents or teachers, when a child makes mistake again and again, not understands, not being able to memorize quickly and as a result to scold him will become a reason of finishing all talents of child. It also a very much important act to maintain the attention of a child. When environment will be pleasant, praise will be given so there will be ease in understanding. To make accept anything with strictness is nearly impossible. To repeat again and again is basic point of making learn to read. Children use to get tired quickly. The sign of a good teacher or the one who makes read is this that the matter of patience would be filled much in him regarding this thing. Most of all every mother (Remaining on page number 56)

Make children read and write who do rote learning. Those children who have not gone to school yet, make them learn to read and write. Come! Let’s make the mothers tutor.

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